The Whole Armor of God: Know the Enemy


Ephesians 6:10-20

We live in a world that places the high value on projections of power and influence. With a deep sense of awe, note is carefully taken of the tallest buildings, the largest ships, the greatest armies, the fastest aircraft, and the most sophisticated computer networks. Those who have “the goods” have the respect (and more often than not, fear) of the “lesser thans.” Whoever holds the biggest and best has the freedom to go wherever and whenever they want, unencumbered by and indifferent to all others. Even some churches are not immune to this headlong pursuit of “bigger and better.”

Then there is Paul, an apostle of Jesus, who was “in chains” and under house arrest for preaching the gospel. Surrounded by Roman Soldiers—members of the mightiest and fiercest military force the world had yet known—he was prevented from moving about freely and limited in his access to others. In the midst of his imprisonment, Paul writes to the Ephesians,  urging them to grow in faith until they understand “what is the height, and length, and breadth, and depth” of God’s mysterious love. 

Hanging on to faith in a world where might makes right is a daily battle. But Paul wants his readers to know that the fight is not on the same field of battle that the world chooses. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Knowing the nature of our fight, and who we are fighting, allows even the powerless in this world to become champions of faith.

Anointed: Pathway to Redemption

2 Samuel 12:1-15a

Welcome to our continuing summer worship series, “Anointed.”  Each week we’ll draw insight and inspiration from the lives of three figures from the Hebrew scriptures—Samuel, Saul, and David—and examine more closely the persistent love of God for an often rebellious people.

David, King and Shepherd of Israel, has strayed and lost his way. The people’s champion has forsaken his work and engaged in a sordid affair and a cover-up. The charges which could be leveled include breaking three of Moses’ “10 sayings”: coveting, adultery, and murder. But David is resourceful—he has covered his tracks and surrounded himself with subordinates who will keep secrets. As far as the people of Israel are concerned, the King has gotten away with it and is ready to move on.

But there is one more character in the story. What the people cannot or will not see, God sees. And God sends to his anointed King another anointed soul, the Prophet Nathan. In a conversation at one and the same time subtle, skillful, and bold, Nathan reminds David that a King’s power lies not in what he can take for himself, but what God has given him. On this day, what God gives is a deep conviction of sin, and the opening of a path to redemption. David will lay down the unbearable burden of his secrets, and come to know a peace beyond understanding.

Anointed: The Grip of Sin Gets Tighter Still

2 Samuel 11:14-27

Welcome to our continuing summer worship series, “Anointed.” Each week we’ll draw insight and inspiration from the lives of three figures from the Hebrew scriptures—Samuel, Saul, and David—and examine more closely the persistent love of God for an often rebellious people.

David, a King renowned for strength and savvy in defense of God’s people, is now engaged in a different kind of conflict: the battle for personal mastery. He has sinned, but has fallen prey to a commonly held notion that his sin is “private” and personal, and no one else needs to be involved. He is king, his word has authority, and he can do as he pleases.  In order for his transgression to remain private, he will use his authority to cover up any misdeeds.

The hard truth before us today is that all sin, no matter how privately it is held and how secretly it is kept from others, nonetheless impacts the whole community of faith. Sometimes the collateral damage from our personal misdeeds can be catastrophic. As David considers how to keep his private affair from becoming public, the grip of sin on his life actually worsens; the ripples will destroy a life and threaten the very Kingdom before God’s grace breaks through.

Anointed: Not to be Exploited

2 Samuel 11:1-13

Welcome to our continuing summer worship series, “Anointed.”  Each week we’ll draw insight and inspiration from the lives of three figures from the Hebrew scriptures—Samuel, Saul, and David—and examine more closely the persistent love of God for an often rebellious people.

In this week’s reading the “holy city” Jerusalem is now stable and prosperous, the renowned shepherd boy David has grown into a mighty King, and his place as leader of his people is well established. From the secure warmth of his palace David envisioned a final piece for his legacy: He would build a permanent resting place for the Ark of the Covenant in the form of a magnificent temple that glorified God!

But God would have it otherwise—the blood-stained hands of a battle-chief like David would not be the hands to build a temple for God.  David the campaigner now settled into a new role: David the ruler. Whether what came next was spiritual restlessness, boredom with routine, or a prideful sense that God’s anointed leaders are “above the law” and able to do whatever they want, David decided to do his own thing instead of listening to God. He stayed behind when the armies went out to battle, saw a woman bathing, sent for her, lay with her, and then tried to send her away...with increasingly dire consequences. In his  attempt to exploit the power God had given him, David was thrust into the most critical battle of his life.

Anointed: Divine Wistfulness

1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15

Welcome to our continuing summer worship series, “Annointed.”  Each week we’ll draw insight and inspiration from the lives of three figures from the Hebrew scriptures—Samuel, Saul, and David—and we’ll examine more closely the persistent love of God for an often rebellious people.

This morning’s scripture recalls a time before Israel had kings. In faithfulness God heard the people crying out in Egypt. God delivered them from captivity. God brought them through the wilderness, gave them the law, and brought them into the land which was promised to their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. While other nations had earthly rulers—kings, emperors, regents and sovereigns of all kinds, Israel had God as their Lord. God’s people were in a living relationship with God, who was their true leader and protector, sending them help whenever it was needed.

But God’s people wanted more. They cried out for an earthly king, someone they could show to other nations. Although Samuel protested, God acquiesced and granted their wish. There is a certain wistful sadness in the voice of God as the chosen people, once upon a time set apart to be a light to the world, now become a nation much like every other.

Anointed: A Prophet is Summoned

1 Samuel 3:1-20

Today we launch summer worship series called “Anointed.”  In the coming weeks we’ll draw insight and inspiration from the lives of three figures from the Hebrew scriptures—Samuel, Saul, and David—and we’ll examine more closely the persistent love of God for an often rebellious people.

Today’s scripture reading involves an old priest, a young apprentice, and a time when the worship of God had become corrupted. It was the time before kings; which is to say other nations had rulers—kings, emperors, regents and sovereigns of all kinds, but Israel had God as their ruler. God’s people were in a living relationship with God, and certain members of the community of faith had been given responsibility for overseeing the sacrifices, offerings, and acts of worship that allowed people to know and experience God more fully.

However, the religious practice of God’s people had devolved into a kind of family business…where in the name of God a privileged group of insiders were taking advantage of God’s most vulnerable people. And so God moved, as he always does, to summon a new voice, to authorize a new ministry, to usher in a new work of grace and faithfulness. When God calls new persons to ministry, the faithful answer is “here I am.”

Humility Cometh Before a Call

Isaiah 6:1-8

Complacency is a visitor which hardly ever announces its presence.  It just seems to show up, having silently slipped into our house through the cracks between “comfortable and familiar” and “the path of least resistance.” We establish routines, find the short cuts, settle in to what feels good, and before we know it our old friend complacency has gently rocked us into a deep spiritual sleep. Motivation, initiative, alertness and flexibility are sacrificed; though we still call ourselves people of faith, we find that we are in fact slaves to the familiar, fearful (even resentful) of change, and fighting for sameness instead of faithfulness.

Fortunately for our souls’ sake, we don’t live our lives in a vacuum. Try as we might to stave off change and protect the familiar, storms blow, earthquakes rattle, markets collapse, relation-ships fail, and—as with the prophet Isaiah—old and beloved friends pass away. In the case of Isaiah, it was the passing of King Uzziah (who had reigned for more than 50 years) that brought disruption and change to his world. Having lost his grip on control of the familiar in his own tiny world, Isaiah was given a vision of the immensity and glory of God’s true self. In humility, Isaiah shed his mantle of complacency and confessed himself before God, who purged his sin and called him forth to be a witness for the creating hand of God.

Only the Beginning

John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15

Today is Pentecost, a day set aside in the church’s calendar for commemorating “the birthday of the church.” Scriptures describe the Holy Spirit being given to Jesus’ followers on Pentecost (following the Jewish Feast of Weeks), empowering those first believers to take up the work that Jesus had begun when he walked among them. Filled with a new power, the Apostles began to proclaim the good news of Christ in such a way that onlookers from many nations could hear and understand in their own languages. Scholars point back to this event and see in it the origins of what know today as Church. Thousands of new believers came to faith in those first moments.

In the midst of the wind, the fire, the crowds and curiosity, there is also a quiet confirmation that Jesus—much like the Abba that he served—fulfilled all the promises he made to his followers when the Holy Spirit was given. The Holy Sprit’s presence announces that we are in a living relationship with God; God is not far off but ever present, and close at hand. Baptism and the giving of the Holy Sprit are properly viewed not as a culmination of religious endeavor, but as an initiation into a new life. A life in which God walks with us, responds to us, and faithfully fulfills his word in us.