2024 Christmas Poinsettias
It’s time to order a Christmas Poinsettia for yourself or in honor, memory, or celebration of someone special to you.
These beautiful flowers will decorate our sanctuary for Advent.
Please fill out this form online (be sure to click submit when you’re done). If you want to donate them in honor, memory, or celebration of multiple people or occasions, please use a new line for each one.
Abraham and Sarah
Ruth and Esther
Joseph and Mary
Poinsettias cost $12 each. You can make a payment by clicking here (select Christmas Poinsettias from the drop-down menu), mail cash or a check to the church office, or drop it off when you come to pick them up.
For your poinsettia order to be printed in the bulletin, your order needs to be placed by Sunday, December 22.
The poinsettias will be available for pickup at the church following Christmas Eve Worship.