The Turbulent Place Between Fear and Faith

Matthew 14:22-33

After the miraculous feeding of the multitude Jesus put the disciples in a boat and made them go to the other side of the lake—it was the first time since they were called that Jesus would not physically be with them. So Jesus dismissed the crowd and went off alone to pray, and the disciples set sail for the other side.

The lake—indeed all waters and seas—were considered by the people in Jesus’ time to be places of spiritual disorder and chaos. To the mind of the gospel writer, to be at sea is to encounter danger, exposing oneself to spiritual assault and even the threat of death. And so the long night wore on, fraught with spiritual doubts and dangers, while a strong wind battered the boat pushed the disciples further and further from the shoreline, further from their Master.

Then suddenly, in the coldest, darkest part of the night, Jesus came to them again, his appearance generating in Peter (and all of them) an whole spectrum of doubts, fears, awe, worship, and a taste of the power that will lead to resurrection. It is a scene that believers will reenact again and again throughout the history of the church—as we encounter a world of evil and call to God from that turbulent place between our doubts and fears.

Take Up the Remnants of Christ's Compassion

Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus had just been told that his cousin, John the Baptist, was dead.  That he’d died a brutal, senseless, unnecessary death at the hands of a petty and small-minded king. Who could blame Jesus for withdrawing from the crowds and taking a boat to a lonely place? Sometimes we all need to create a place of refuge and silence in order to think things through…to put our priorities in order and our lives in perspective.

The crowds were determined, however, to find Jesus, because the problems of this world never seem to take a holiday. The crowds walked all night and were there to meet Jesus in the morning. And so Jesus, full of grief, spent the entire day serving the needs of the people who thronged to see him. And Matthew’s testimony to all of us about that day is this: the only thing in this world more relentless and unyielding than our suffering and troubles is the compassionate love of God revealed in Christ Jesus.

At the end of the long day the disciples had had enough. They told Jesus, “send these people away.” But Jesus only had compassion. Blessing five small loaves and two fish, he broke and gave them out. And after everyone was filled, sated, and satisfied, says Matthew, there were enough pieces of bread and fish remaining to fill twelve baskets with the leftovers. It’s just the same for Christ’s followers in today’s world. How blessed we are, each time we share communion, to find ourselves filled, satisfied, and taking up the remnants to carry home!

Kingdom Seeds: From Small Things

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Why do some followers of Christ seem deep, able to bear much fruit in their lives, while others seem to struggle in the shallows of faith, dissipated and distracted by many things? How is it that enemies of the gospel can live so closely alongside Christ’s committed followers, and it is nearly impossible to tell them apart? What is the explanation for those tiny, almost-insignificant steps of faith that lead to mighty ministries over time?

In a short series titled “Kingdom Seeds” we will look at three important parables from the 13th chapter of Matthew, along with the interpretations that Jesus gave to his followers.  Taken together, these parables reveal how consistently God’s grace is poured out upon us—regardless of our circumstances or resources.  From small beginnings come great faith. Even when surrounded by enemies we can still bear fruit that the harvester will recognize.  Though all manner of circumstances and “soil” exist, the heart of God sow’s liberally and consistently, until the seeds find space to grow.

Our lives may be challenging and demanding at times, but God continues to sow the seeds of Christ’s kingdom in our midst…even today!

Kingdom Seeds: Weeds and Seeds

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Why do some followers of Christ seem deep, able to bear much fruit in their lives, while others seem to struggle in the shallows of faith, dissipated and distracted by many things? How is it that enemies of the gospel can live so closely alongside Christ’s committed followers, and it is nearly impossible to tell them apart? What is the explanation for those tiny, almost-insignificant steps of faith that lead to might ministries over time?

In a short series titled “Kingdom Seeds” we will look at three important parables from the 13th chapter of Matthew, along with the interpretations that Jesus gave to his followers.  Taken together, these parables reveal how consistently God’s grace is poured out upon us—regardless of our circumstances or resources.  From small beginnings come great faith. Even when surrounded by enemies we can still bear fruit that the harvester will recognize.  Though all manner of circumstances and “soil” exist, the heart of God sow’s liberally and consistently, until the seeds find space to grow.

Our lives may be challenging and demanding at times, but God continues to sow the seeds of Christ’s kingdom in our midst…even today!

Kingdom Seeds: The Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Why do some followers of Christ seem deep, able to bear much fruit in their lives, while others seem to struggle in the shallows of faith, dissipated and distracted by many things? How is it that enemies of the gospel can live so closely alongside Christ’s committed followers, and it is nearly impossible to tell them apart? What is the explanation for those tiny, almost-insignificant steps of faith that lead to might ministries over time?

In a short series titled “Kingdom Seeds” we will look at three important parables from the 13th chapter of Matthew, along with the interpretations that Jesus gave to his followers.  Taken together, these parables reveal how consistently God’s grace is poured out upon us—regardless of our circumstances or resources.  From small beginnings come great faith. Even when surrounded by enemies we can still bear fruit that the harvester will recognize.  Though all manner of circumstances and “soil” exist, the heart of God sow’s liberally and consistently, until the seeds find space to grow.

Our lives may be challenging and demanding at times, but God continues to sow the seeds of Christ’s kingdom in our midst…even today!

Foundations for Discipleship: Disciplined

Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

When Christians become complacent in their discipleship—whether as individuals or as whole congregations—there typically follows a persistent season of dryness, emptiness, and declining interest in the things of God. The phrase “thanks be to God” is replaced by a anxious “we’re dying here”; zeal cools, faith weakens, the temporal affairs of the world soon overtake the believer’s interest, and the Holy Spirit is crowded out .

Jesus told his disciples that life would sometimes be tough for them, that this was to be expected because “no student is greater than the teacher.” And Jesus backed up his teaching ministry with a ministry of action, demonstrating to the world that grace freely offered is nonetheless costly; his followers are to be bold in imitating the one who is paying the price. In this brief sermon series we’ll explore some characteristic “foundational” traits revealed in effective discipleship…the marks of those who’ve heard a clear call from God and are doing all they can to say “yes.”

The famous theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote “discipleship is not an offer that man makes to Christ” (Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship). Indeed, discipleship, the invitation to follow Christ, is an offer made to us by God.  Accepting this offer of grace may prove costly as we move through this world, but it is the only path to peace with God. It is an offer of good news.

A Ministry of Reminding...

John 7:36-39

Water is essential to life, yet so often taken for granted when it is in plentiful supply. Lush gardens, long baths, and abundant crops become the expectation for those who’ve never lacked for clean, abundant supplies of water. On the other hand, those who’ve endured protracted seasons of drought know that water is a precious, valuable resource not to be wasted.

Jesus once went to the Jerusalem Temple to participate in the Festival of Booths, or Tabernacles. It was harvest time, and always a joyous festival, and water played a very special role in the proceedings. Water was carried throughout the city and poured upon the altar, while psalms and prayers were made for abundant rains and good crops in the new year. People even came to associate the coming of promised Messiah with the Festival of Tabernacles.

During the culminating moments on the final day of the Festival, Jesus stood and announced that he was now the one to whom the thirsty should come, and that rivers of life would flow into and out of all those who believe in Him. Jesus spoke of a powerful, spiritual connection to himself that would give life and healing and forgiveness to all. From that time until now, Christians have associated the giving of the Holy Spirit with the waters of our baptism. The Spirit is given in abundance to whomever will receive it with joy.

Suffering Love

1 Peter 3:8-22

Suffering is a universal—and very important—part of the human experience. Unpleasant experiences, pain, and discomfort are useful instructors as we grow from helpless children into healthy and functional adults. Thirst and hunger remind us to drink and eat. The discomfort of a burn teaches us to handle fire with caution or not to touch a hot iron. The scorn and ridicule of some, coupled with the praise and acceptance of others, help us to form our circles of friends and learn to socialize. Although we experience it in differing levels and measures, suffering is an experience that every human being will undergo during various seasons of life.

The great question of faith for Christians is “where is God in the midst of my suffering?” The author of 1 Peter was writing to a group of churches for whom suffering had a become a regular, perhaps daily experience…often in the form of persecution and brought about by the very fact that they had chosen to follow the way of Christ. 1 Peter’s “advice” is to embrace suffering rather than flee it; to identify with Christ’s suffering in the midst of our own suffering and thereby become a part of God’s great story of redemption in the world.

It’s a challenging word which at the same time points the way to our freedom, for the way out of our suffering, loss and hurt is to go in and through. No one can take away suffering without entering into it.