The Song of Confession
Sin is a word that has fallen out of use lately. It’s a topic that no one seems to want to address in depth, even in churches. Especially in churches. The effects of it are everywhere and easily discerned in the world around us, but few are calling it by name. To make matters worse, sin bears its consequences terribly within individual persons, causing our bodies to waste away and our strength to dry up. This is not a new phenomenon. It is as old as Adam and Eve, and every generation has struggled to come to grips with sin and its effects.
The Psalmist shows us a pathway to healing in Psalm 32, first by pointing out that the real issue is not the psalmist’s sin but rather the psalmist’s failure to acknowledge and confess sin. Unrecognized and unacknowledged sin is one of the most destructive forces we can know, and the only way to break its power is to break our silence before God. In the breaking of our silence comes the greatest grace, so that in our fear and weakness God’s power and love are revealed. The God who can trusted in every other way can be most trusted with our sin. But we must first join the ancients in singing the song of confession.
The “Songs of Enduring Faith” series is based on lectionary readings from The Book of Psalms. This series explores the breadth of experience and depth of resilience found in God’s people, as revealed through their most central worship materials. Before the psalms were written and saved as scripture, they are first of all part of the soundtrack of God’s people. You’re invited to lean in, listen closely, learn the heart of God’s people, and receive the gift of these songs, for they are Songs of Enduring Faith.