The Whole Armor of God: Therefore, Stand

Ephesians 6:10-20

Living a life of Christian discipleship faith requires both physical and spiritual engagement…a life of unceasing prayer and compassionate works of mercy. Because faithful living requires both body and spirit, the author of Ephesians calls his readers to renewed confidence in Christ. Confidence that death is conquered, confidence that Christ has defeated the powers in the heavens, confidence that the spiritual armor supplied to the church can withstand all that is arrayed against it. While the victory is Christ’s in heavenly places, the author knows full well that the gospel of peace must still be proclaimed upon the earth, in word and deed. The world in which we now live is personally and socially resistant to the transforming power of God and God’s word.  Thus anyone undertaking such a proclamation of the the gospel enters a arena in which he or she is called, under the protection of God, to make a stand.“Having done everything, therefore, stand….”  This is our solemn calling in Christ.

Sam is currently out on medical leave, but the audio file of this sermon should be online around Labor Day. Thank you for your patience!


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