
1 Peter 2:9-10

The Purpose of United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

2018 UMW Calendar of Events

Feb. 8th—UMW Luncheon
Feb. 17th—CalPac Conference Mid-Winter Events
Feb. 23rd-25th—Women’s Retreat, Aldersgate Retreat Center
Mar. 8th—UMW Luncheon
Mar. 10th—South District Mission u Study, La Mesa Foothills UMC
Apr. 12th—UMW Luncheon
Apr. 21st—South District Mission u Study, Vista UMC
May 12th—Mother/Daughter/Friend Luncheon
May 18th-20th—UMW’s Assembly, Columbus, OH
June 2nd—Quiet Day Apart, Santa Ana UMC
June 14th—UMW Luncheon
June 28th-July 1st—Mission u, Biola University
July 30th-August 4th—Annual Rummage Sale
Sept. 13th—UMW Luncheon
Sept. 22nd—South District Celebration—San Carlos UMC
Oct. 11th—UMW Luncheon
Oct. 27th—CalPac Annual Celebration
Nov. 3rd—Cranberry Tea
Dec. 13th—UMW Luncheon Christmas Program


When Life Comes at You


Putting Down Our Nets to Follow Christ