Love Deeply, From the Heart

1 Peter 1:17-23

Love is the foundation stone of all that is good and right in the world. It is the mine from which all of the wealth of God's great treasure-house is brought forth, the standard against which all that would call itself pure and holy is measured. It is love that redeems, love that sustains, love that endures, love that transforms, love that forgives. It is the very love of God that became flesh and walked among us in human form. Love alone remains—in spirit and song and sacred memory—after all else has faded and turned to ash and dust. Only love.

In Jesus we have already experienced God's love...a love like no other! But in coming to Christ we are only making a beginning. The author of 1 Peter reminds us that, as we are purified by God's holy love through obedience to the truth, we are now to complete God's love in us by sharing it in "mutual affection" toward one another. The love we share with one another must take on a more and more holy nature, until it perfectly embodies God's love toward us. The foundation-stone of God's church is the love, shared deeply, consistently, and from the heart.


Growing in Love


A Living Hope