Moment by Moment We Rise With Christ
We call him our Lord and we call him King, for that is what he is. But never in the history of humanity has there been a king like Jesus.
There is no earthly scepter and crown for this ruler. Instead he takes up the towel and the basin, washes the tired feet of his friends, and sets for them an example of servant-love that is world-changing. There is likewise no public office for this ruler. Jesus cared little for governments, even less for the intrigue and politics of empire-building. When all the kingdoms of the world were offered to him, Jesus flatly rebuked the tempter. He then took refuge in a lifetime of humble, Godly obedience (obedience is a cleft in the rock where all faithful persons may hide, and from which all doubts flee in the night).
His Kingdom is literally not of this world, though many of his subjects are in the world. He is “Immanuel”—God with us. He brings the promised fulfillment of long-held hopes, and at the same time a revelation of “what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor mind conceived.”
We call him Lord and King…for that is what he is.