Tribute for Our Magnificent King
Today we celebrate Christ Jesus, our King. But never in all the world’s history has there been a king like Jesus. He was not born into wealth or privilege; his parents were traveling strangers, aliens in the city of his birth, and his cradle was a feeding trough in a borrowed stable. He was not tutored by courtly teachers…his earthly father was a tradesman and his parents spent several years of his childhood hiding in exile. His crown is plaited of thorns, and he has no freed hand for scepter and orb—they are nailed to an instrument of torture. His “palace grounds” sit atop a low rising hill above the city dump, and his throne is a cross. Here is our King.
Look upon him! Even in torment, even suffering, even amidst taunts and torture and in the face of death, he has a power like no other. A divine power to forgive, to bless, and to save. Even in the direst circumstances, in the darkest final moments, his mission is undeterred and his powerful grace absolute. He has the power to save. To make us whole. To show us the way of peace. Just look at him!