Coming to Our House
Zacchaeus was a man of small stature and enormous wealth, and he was outcast and isolated by his community until the day he met Jesus. Jesus had a simple word for him: I must stay at your house today. With that simple word of grace Zacchaeus was no longer an outcast, but welcomed into the Kingdom of God by Jesus…and his whole household was changed forever.
People often come to the sanctuary for worship hoping, like Zacchaeus, to catch a glimpse of Jesus, to have a weekly spiritual experience, and to “take something useful” home with them. It can be somewhat alarming to discover that Jesus is not one to wait patiently in the church sanctuary for us while we live lives of our choosing and compartmentalize our time, our treasures, and our spiritual selves. Jesus would be Lord of our whole lives. He comes to us. He is coming to our house, for “The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10)