ADVENTURE CAMP! --A high-energy experience with Jesus. Have you ever wished the kids in our community could get away for summer camp, but know they can’t afford it? What about our staff…have they ever felt undue pressure trying get plans nailed down for the summer?
Forest Home comes alongside our ministry to serve as a catalyst for outreach in our community through Adventure Camp! We bring an exciting weeklong camp for age 3 (potty trained) thru 6th grade children to the city of Orange. The week includes 35 hours of unforgettable recreation (Rock Wall, Bungee Swing, Water Slide, Games and Crafts), Bible Study and prayer, worship experiences, and large groups facilitated by their highly trained staff in partnership with us and our volunteers. Deadline to sign up is July 25, 2016. This summer, we are doing our camp from August 8th thru August 12th, 2016. If you would like to donate to this or pay for your chilld, please click here.
KIDZ PRAISE – This is a singing group that is for children ages 4 to grade 6. Rehearsals are every Sunday, except the 1st Sunday, immediately following Sunday School. The 30 minute rehearsals are held in the Sunday School room. The children sing songs that celebrate the teachings and lessons of Christianity. They also have the opportunity to participate in an occasional morning worship service. For further information, contact the director, Donna Nelson at [email protected] or Sylvia Coussa at [email protected].
BELLS OF PRAISE: This is a beginning hand bell choir that is open from Grade 7 to adults. NO PRIOR MUSIC EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE is required. You will learn the basics of music notation, rhythm patterns, and bell ringing in this choir. Rehearsals are on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, following the morning worship service. Rehearsals are held in the downstairs choir room of the Sanctuary. This choir will play in worship service on special occasions. New members are always welcome. Contact the director, Sylvia Coussa, at [email protected] or 714-667-7813
HAND CHIME CHOIR –This is a NEW musical opportunity for the children in grades 3-6. It is open to all the children of our surrounding community. The hand chime is a musical instrument similar to the hand bells. Children will learn the basics of reading music, rhythm patterns, and hand chime ringing. They will have opportunities to be a part of some Sunday morning worship services. Rehearsals will be Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:15 in the downstairs choir room of the Sanctuary. For further information, contact the director, Sylvia Coussa at [email protected] or 714-667-7813.
SKYWORD GOSPEL CHOIR: This choir provides leadership in the service on the second Sunday of each month and prepares Gospel Style Music. Membership is open to Junior High Ages thru adults. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings from 6:15 to 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary Choir Loft. This choir also has the opportunity to join the Sanctuary Choir in their preparation of special music for the Christmas and Easter seasons.
SANCTUARY CHOIR: This choir provides leadership for most of our Sunday morning worship services. Membership is open to everyone from High School to adults. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9 pm in the Sanctuary Choir Loft. Our primary focus is to prepare worship anthems, ranging from classical to contemporary styles. We also prepare special presentations during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
SUMMER CHOIR: This choir provides leadership in worship during the month of July, when our Sanctuary and SkyWord Choirs are on break. They meet once at the end of June for a quick read of all of the summer pieces, but most of their rehearsals take place on Sunday mornings before worship. If you'd like to join them for any (or all!) of their anthems this summer, please be in the choir loft at 9:30 on July 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31! Please note that you do not have to be a member of the Sanctuary or SkyWord choirs to participate in the summer choir; this is open to everyone!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS)--Every summer, we do a week long Vacation Bible School for children ages 3 (potty trained) thru 6th grade that incorporates Bible Story Lessons, Music, Awesome Crafts, Interactive Games, and Science Projects. This usually occurs in early to mid July. This summer, we are doing something different. Read below
BIBLE PRESENTATION -- We have a tradition here at First United Methodist Church of giving Bibles to those children entering 3rd grade every Fall Season. Why do we do this? The Word of God is an essential tool and foundation for our faith journey with Christ, and we want our children to see the importance of that. We hope that they bring their Bibles to Sunday School, where they will learn about the stories of the Bible as well as learn how to find Books of the Bible. Its stories belong to us all, and these words speak to us all. They tell us who we are. They tell us that we belong to one another, for we are the people of God. "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 110:105
This group meets the 3rd Wednesday morning of each month at 10 am in the Church Library. This is an opportunity for women to express their creative thoughts through various guided writing experiences. It is led by Nadine Tardie.
This is a daytime ladies fellowship group that meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 2 pm in the Fireside Room of the Church Office Building. Their meetings include devotions, refreshments, fellowship, and a program.
This is a group of church members that meets weekly to discuss worship and try to determine how we can make it even better. These meetings take place every Monday at 5:30pm in the Fireside Room, and they're open to anybody attending worship.
Office Manager, Karen Mendoza
(714) 532-6363, etc. 204 / [email protected]